Thursday, July 16, 2015

Blog Post #8 - Evaluation of Social Media Sources

mkhmarketing. "Social Media Class". 3/8/2013. via Flickr
Attribution 2.0 Generic
For Blog Post #8 we are taking our controversy into the social media realm. Using Spotify to create a story out of our searches, I have come up with two sources that show both sides of the coin.

Source 1


  • Credibility - All searches link back to the Twitter account and posts from there. May be credible in his narrow scope but I would look for more reputable sources.
  • Location - Boston, so not directly involved - location wise at least. 
  • Network - Has 480 followers since joining in Dec. 2011. Follows many credible sources in the industry but those following him seem to be confined to his geographic location.
  • Content - The information is reliable but the opinion is of course his own.
  • Contextual updates - Makes regular posts on the topic, possibly due to his link with a website dedicated to horse racing.
  • Age - Unknown, mid to late '50s
  • Reliability - I believe the source is reliable but would doubt the validity of some statements due to personal opinion.

Source 2


  • Credibility - This is a national movement made up of people from inside and outside the industry all striving for common goal. They are associated with several national associations that are leaders in the industry. I would accept them as a credible source.
  • Location - I can't find a location for this organization.
  • Network - Has 2,206 followers since joining in Apr. 2012. Follows many credible sources in the industry and is followed by some credible sources and many everyday people.
  • Content - The information is reliable and corroborated by other sites.
  • Contextual updates - Makes regular posts on several topics all dealing with the industry. There is definitely a "slant" to the writing as the organization was created for a purpose, but the information is still reliable.
  • Age - Unknown, may be multiple parties or even an NPO.
  • Reliability - The source is reliable and professional.

1 comment:

  1. I'm down with your ultimate appraisal that these sources are reliable - but I'm curious about the thought process that got you there. Like, what ultimately convinces you that @VegasBilly69 is reliable? I wasn't sure.

    P.S. The wallpaper image for your blog is awesome!
