Thursday, July 16, 2015

Blog Post #7 - Evaluation of Scholarly Sources

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For Blog Post #7 we are taking our chosen controversy and conducting a search for scholarly journals related to it. I will be providing key points of information for each of the sources.

Source 1

Confirmation and Quantification of Clenbuterol in Horse Urine Using Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Triple Quadrupole
  • What is its purpose? To discuss how a new extraction process was developed to achieve more accurate results when testing equine urine samples for drugs.
  • Where is it published? Oxford Journals > Volume 39, Issue 2 > Pp. 130-132
  • What kinds of sources does it cite? I was only able to view an abstract (pay-per-view site) so no sources were cited. Though it did mention current standards set my Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) which would have had to been cited. Also the results from the Illinois Racing Commission which would be an unpublished source.
  • Who is the author? Jennifer Bishop, Brendan Heffron, Lisa Taddei, Marc Benoit, Laura Hurt, Sara Costello, Melissa Gross and Adam Negrusz
  • Who is the intended audience? Originally published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology, so I assume its intended audience was toxicologists.

Source 1

Clenbuterol in the Horse: Confirmattion and Quantitation of Serum Clenbuterol by LC-MS-MS after Oral and Intratracheal Adminstration
  • What is its purpose? The objective of the study was to develop a specific and highly sensitive serum quantitation method for clenbuterol that would allow effective regulatory control of this agent in horses.
  • Where is it published? Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 25, May/June 2001
  • What kinds of sources does it cite? All references cited are Veterinary Pharmacology texts and Mass Spectrometry analysis/interpretation. There was also a cite for the proceedings from the American Association of Equine Practitioners.
  • Who is the author? A.F. Lehner, J.D. Harkins, W. Karpiesiuk, W.E. Woods, N.E. Robinson, L. Dirikolu, M. Fisher and T. Tobin.
  • Who is the intended audience? Originally published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology, so I assume its intended audience was toxicologists.

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