Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blog Post #4 - Learning Reflection

For Blog Post #4 I've been asked to review my Weekly Calendar Activity and discuss my plans for successfully completing my coursework for this accelerated summer semester.

O'Rourke, Alan. "Too Busy To Improve - Performance Management - Square Wheels".
10/22/2014 via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.

After a quick review of my weekly calendar activity which is a break-down of an entire week by the hour; I am confident that I will have ample time to devote to each of my summer classes. The truly shocking aspect of the calendar was painful repetition and monotony ahead. I usually prefer a little excitement and something new and interesting to look forward to. According to my weekly planner, there isn't any of that for the foreseeable future. I did it to myself so nobody to blame, but me of course.

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