Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Blog Post #31 - Clarity, Part 1

For Blog Post #31 I have selected four topics from our textbook that I believe I could learn more about and improve in my writing.
Morales, Javier. "Clarity". 3/3/2012. via Flickr
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  • Parallel Ideas
    • I often find that with my writing style I tend to emphasis a particular point by using parallel ideas. I more than likely have not balanced them correctly and reading through this chapter has given me new insight on how to incorporate them more completely and clearly for my readers.
  • Shifts
    • This is an area I know I have made mistakes with. Thankfully my peer reviewers have usually caught it during this class. By shifting inconsistently I am distracting the reader and loosing credibility and their attention. I need to improve my consistency with verb tense and also staying in one mood and voice throughout.
  • Emphasis
    • Often I find myself trying to cram as much information as I can into a piece for emphasis. For emphasis I should be using shorter sentences and staying away from excessive coordination. I will be making an attempt to improve this trying some of the techniques suggested.
  • Wordy Sentences
    • Once again, my peer reviewers have pointed out this issue to me. By trying to incorporate as much data as I can I tend to create wordy sentences. Though this is not the same as long sentences, I need to pay closer attention during my own reviews to see if I can cut out some redundancies and avoid using inflated phrases.

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