Thursday, July 23, 2015

Blog Post #17 - Identifying Basic Grammar Patterns

For Blog Post #17 I have chosen my longest paragraph and used the comment feature to identify several grammar patterns.

Christensen, Mikael Hvidtfeldt. "Pure Structure". 6-13-2009. via Flickr
Attribution 2.0 Generic

Here is the link to the article.

Reflection on my findings:

  • The sentence purpose was 99% declarative. I think this is mostly due to the writing being for information rather than entertainment. By trying to stay unbiased, I have not used exclamatory or interrogative sentence purposes.
  • I have used compound-complex sentences everywhere. This probably has an adverse effect on the reader and I may need to rethink how to get the facts across without running-on.
  • After reviewing the grammar (and thanks to my peers for reviewing) I believe the piece is in one voice.
  • I think I could try and simplify overall. Not to say dumb it down, but make it easier for the reader. May be tricky with trying to show factual data, but could pay some dividends.

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