Saturday, August 1, 2015

Blog Post #40 - Extended Annotated Bibliography

mibuchat. "Blick ins Endlose/View into infinity". 8/17/2008. via Flickr
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For Blog Post #40 I will be finding new sources that provide answers to my questions from Blog Post #38. With each annotation I will describe how the source helped me.

Source 1

Discusses one of the first official studies into whether whipping actually does anything. The study was mired in controversy over who funded the project so the data is viewed with skepticism. The main interviewee is well respected and a credible source who does give some good quotes.

Source 2
Explains where the British Horseracing Authority is currently at in their controversy. Seeing how other countries are handling the issue is helpful. The article talks from both sides of the issue but the main focus is that the industry has to validate its position. There are also glimpses into the rules and regulations currently being used.

Source 3
A brief discussion on how American and British whipping rules differ and how America needs to change and why. One sided, though not aggressively, and packed with a stellar cast of interviewees. Logical, thought out conclusion but not facts and figures, only opinion.

Source 4
One of the few actual studies I was able to find. Extremely informative and filled with charts, data, facts, findings and logical analysis. Can definitely fill the "appeal to logic" void if there is one. Down side is that the scope was very limited. It would be possible to argue that the controls used don't justify this being called an experiment at all.

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